The best IoT platform on Google Cloud

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AIoTA = AI + IoT + OTA on Google Cloud

AIOTA born as a transitioning platform on Google Cloud, rapidly has become the IoT reference platform running on Google.

AIOTA is a product of Ennova GO

Ennova GO

AIoTA is a new IOT platform on Google Cloud, blending years of expertise and competence on IOT, Data Science, AI and base ICT technologies.

We wanted to bring the best IOT platform on Cloud , for our customers, along with superior cloud monitoring and supporting services, years of expertise and competence on designing applications, IOT, Data Science, AI and base ICT technologies.

No vendor lock-in, API, Kubernetes and Open Source.
We wanted all this be on Google, Google Cloud.
We made it with AIoTA and Ennova GO.

Discover more

AIoTA runs on Google Cloud Platform only

AIoTA is a new IoT platform on Google Cloud, blending years of expertise and competence on IOT, Data Science, AI and base ICT technologies.

AIoTA IoT Core platform is supported by ENGO and Ennova Research. It runs on Google Cloud, as a dedicated PAAS instance for each premiere customer


Transitioning from Google Iot Core to AIoTA

AIoTA blends white label IoT platform with EnGO and Ennova Research own sw modules connected to KONG API Manager.

Customers currently on Google IoT Core platform have a seamless and low impact migration path on AIoTA IoT platform on Google Cloud.

Private cloud deployments on GCP

We help clients to reduce their total cost of migration (TCM) from Google IoT Core.

Google IoT Core → AIoTA

Discover how it works
  1. 01.
    Define test / monitor
  2. 02.
    Train & validate
  3. 03.
    Migrate compile test docs
  4. 04.
    Execute migration sign acceptance

Low impact

Device update using configuration. No cloud service impact.



Device registration. Pub/Sub & MQTT messages migration. Deploy in any cloud region.



Composed by docker service → deploy on Google Cloud or in virtualized environment. Customize for client projects

Private cloud deployments on GCP

Aiota IoT Core Platform

We have three main migration paths as described below.

01. Simple migration.

Device are connected to a server and works in simple pull mode using only http client.

02. Middle migration.

Device use MQTT and complex process to manage OTA update and dynamic configuration and events.

03. Java Api migration.

Device is a complex Edge that process data and uses api to send and receive data. Ennova Research has a own api to config and manage migration.

01. Simple migration.

Device are connected to a server and works in simple pull mode using only http client.

02. Middle migration.

Device use MQTT and complex process to manage OTA update and dynamic configuration and events.

03. Java Api migration.

Device is a complex Edge that process data and uses api to send and receive data. Ennova Research has a own api to config and manage migration.

Simple, Middle and Java API Integration

AIoTA Integration

AIoTA was created by experts & engineers with a unique vision of the future.

Get on touch!

AIoTA is supported on Google.

Ennova Research and ENGO's team of certified engineers is supported by a partnership with Google that contributes to the efficient development and maintenance of the service.